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Juan Antonio Samaranch Message from the Honorary President of the International Olympic Committee, Juan Antonio Samaranch Marqués de Samaranch
This book recounts the story of a gymnast who has earned the titles of Swiss, European and World champion. Donghua Li was also Olympic champion on the pommel horse at the Games of the XXVI Olympiad, the Centennial Games, in Atlanta, United States of America, in 1996.
It is the biography of a great champion endowed with exceptional qualities, both human and sporting, which are the fundamental values of Olympism.
Through Donghua Li's story, the reader will discover just how much effort an athlete has to invest to reach the top and become a champion while striving to set an example to the young.
Juan Antonio Samaranch | | | | Adolf Ogi Message from Adolf Ogi, Former Swiss Federal Council and Minister for Sport of the Swiss Confederation
The award of an Olympic gold medal for "Artistic Gymnastic" represents an athletic performance of absolute perfection. It requires strength and energy as well as creativity and innovation. Donghua Li has achieved this as he succeeded to fulfill his dream at the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996.
Switzerland is proud to have in its ranks an "Artistic Champion" as the winner of an Olympic gold medal, for the first time again since many decades. Proud also of his native country China, where he has obtained his first athletic education and opportunities as a basis of his successful career.
Donghua Li is not only an extraordinary sportsman with great charisma, but he is also a personality setting an example for young people and for sports in general. His positive attitude together with mental strength, politeness and fairness confirm my endeavours as Minister for Sports of Switzerland to support national and international sports activities also in the future as a means of communication between people of all nations and cultures.
The comprehensive biography of Donghua Li and his family, his long way to the gold medal, deserve to be described in a document dedicated to the public in general and to sports circles in particular.
My best wishes accompany Donghua Li for his future.
Adolf Ogi | | | | Nicolas G. Hayek Message from Nicolas G. Hayek, Former Chairman of the Board of The Swatch Group
Sport is a feeling for life, and is one of the most emotional experiences in the world. Peak performance is born out of the desire to produce something special through individual talent, to further develop that talent, to exhaust every detail of it and to exploit it to the full. Sport is the dream of reaching for the stars and being able to grasp them for just a moment, while never losing sight of the deprivations that are the price to be paid for fulfilling that desire.
Every single person is capable of a peak performance in his or her own field, be it in sport, like Donghua Li the world-famous gymnast, or our specialist timing team, or in every day life, at work, in the family, or in politics.
I am convinced that Donghua Li will continue to give peak performances, in whatever field, because he is not only a top sportsman and gifted gymnast, but also an innovative and creative entrepreneur.
I should like to wish Donghua Li many more successes in the coming years.
Nicolas G. Hayek | | | | Von Guestbook: Eggerschwiler Michaela - Oberkirch/ Luzern Sehr geehrter Herr Donghua Li
Sie kennen mich nicht, aber ich wollte danken, dass sie mir über den Weg gelaufen sind.An einem Tag, auf den ich lange gewartet habe. Ich arbeite in Sursee in der Confiesserie Surchat und heute standen sie plötzlich da und unterhilten sich mit meinem Chef.Eigentlich nichts bessonderes,ausser für mich.ich habe schwere zeiten hinter mir und ganz bestimmt auch vor mir.ich darf in den nächsten Tagen endlich meinen zukünftigen Mann nach langer zeit in die Arme schliessen.
Nun was hat das jetzt mit ihnen zu tun?Sie haben in ihrem Leben schon oft gezeit, dass einem nichts geschenkt wird,aber wen man seine Ziele nicht verliehrt,für sein Glaube und Wille nie aufhört zu kämpfen, kann man alles erreichen,auch das unmögliche!!Ich stehe jetzt an dem punkt, an dem bei mir alle Bilder von meinem kampf,nochmals sehe und mir zeigt,dass es sich gelond hat!!!
ich habe grossen Respekt vor ihnen und das was sie erreicht haben!!!
ich wünsche ihnen und ihrer Familie alles was sie sich wünschen!!!
PS:danke für die bestätigung die sie mir heute geschenkt haben, dass es sich immer lond zu kämpfen und man seinen Weg gehen soll.egal was andere sagen. | | | | Von Guestbook: 读者留言 如果世上真有奇迹的话,李东华就是其中之一。谈到瑞士的华人就不能不谈到传奇人物李东华。记得当你在亚特兰大夺取奥运金牌时,许多人对你在领奖台上面对冉冉升起的瑞士国旗哭泣时的不理解,我曾愤然地告诉他们,李东华他实际上是在为自己落泪,如果你们不知道他这块金牌的来之不易,你们也就没有资格在这里闲言碎语。我曾经拜读过你的自传,几次读到情深之处都会热泪盈眶。我在瑞士十二年,经历虽然没有你那么的艰辛与蹉跎,但对瑞士这个国家与民风的理解与接受也有和你类似的过程。我在工作的时候,经常要接触到国内来的客人,你的传奇故事也是我每每要对客人讲述的。客人也一如既往地被你的故事所感动。我本不是一个崇尚英雄之人,但却屡屡被你的故事所感动。也是因为你,改变了很多瑞士人对中国人的观念。你所付出的艰辛与血汗改变的不只是你个人的命运,而且还是一个国家的形象。这种无形的力量对一些固有观念的改变是用什么硬性的方式都无法达到的。你传奇的故事将继续被广为流传着,讲述着,它所产生的价值将成为服务于全人类的精神财富,已经不再仅局限于对一个国家或是一个民族。衷心祝你一切顺利。 | | | |